Supreme Easter Celebration Basket


Currently Not Available


The "Supreme Easter Celebration Basket" is designed to be the centerpiece of your Easter festivities, offering a generous assortment of treats and surprises that can be joyfully shared with the whole family. At the heart of this large Easter basket, a plush fluffy bunny and an adorable chick await, ready to bring smiles and warmth to your celebration. Surrounding these cuddly friends is a treasure trove of confectionery delights that promise to cater to every taste and preference.

Indulge in the classic sweetness of a milk chocolate bunny and the iconic marshmallow Peeps, beloved Easter staples that no celebration would be complete without. The chocolate cookie thins offer a delicate crispness, while the toffee popcorn introduces a perfect blend of sweetness and crunch. A Tootsie Roll bank not only provides a nostalgic treat with its Tootsie Rolls but also doubles as a fun keepsake.

The fun continues with iced animal cookies, Dum Dums lollipops, and a collection of chocolate Easter eggs, each adding their own unique flavor to the mix. For those who enjoy a tangy twist, Smarties candy, Warheads Ooze Chewz Sticks, Mike and Ike sour watermelon candy, and Hawaiian Punch candy chews offer a deliciously sour experience. And, of course, no Easter basket would be complete without the soft and chewy texture of Gummi Bears.

  • Overflowing with Variety: From plush toys to an endless assortment of candies including fruit jelly candy, a milk chocolate bunny, and more.
  • Family Fun: Perfect for sharing, with treats that cater to both children and adults alike.
  • Easter Essentials: Features seasonal favorites like marshmallow Peeps and chocolate Easter eggs.
  • Keepsake Items: Includes a Tootsie Roll bank, adding a fun and memorable twist to the bounty of sweets.

Supreme Easter Celebration Basket Includes:

  • Plush Bunny 6"
  • Plush Duck 6"
  • Popcorn with Sprinkles (2oz)
  • Fruit Jellies (12oz)
  • Candy Lane Confections Rainbow Belts (5oz)
  • Lille Chocolate Cookie Thins (3oz)
  • Dum Dum Lollipops (5pc)
  • Albanese Ultimate Gummi Bears 8 Flavor (0.75oz)
  • Hawaiian Punch Candy Chews (2pc)
  • Mike and Ike Sour Watermelon (0.78oz)
  • Chocolate Eggs (4.5oz)
  • Peeps Bunnies (4pc)
  • Chocolate Rabbit (1.5oz)
  • Smarties Candy (2pc)
  • Stauffer's Animal Iced Cookies (1.75oz)
  • Tootsie Roll Bank Filled w/Bites (4oz)
  • Warheads Ooze Chewz Sticks (2pc)

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  • Order before 11 AM (EST)for same day dispatch

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Canterberry Gifts

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